Potion Floss Fairy Floss


Fluffe lives by the mantra of #treatyoself! We understand how excited 'grown-ups' can get about something as fluffy as fairy floss - don't be shy or embarrassed, we love it too! This magical Fluffe will instantly transform any ordinary beverage into a dazzling one. The 'Snow Globe' Floss will transform your drink into a stunning snow globe vibe! The 'Liquid Gold' is as it sounds, sending your drink into a stunning gold elixir!

Use it to effortlessly enchant guests at your next party, or surprise a special someone over dinner. Simply add to a champagne flute or clear glass, and pour over with desired bubbling beverage for instant euphoria.

Try Serving with: Champagne, Clear Soda or Sparking Water.

Potion Floss™ is textureless and will not affect the mouthfeel of your chosen beverage at all.

- This product contains 4 individual servings wrapped in a sleek paper case- This product is Vegan + Gluten-Free.
- Store below 21 C away from moisture, light and heat. Do not refrigerate. - If you do not immediately inhale the contents of this pack upon opening, store in an airtight container until you can no longer resist!